Headquarter: 18A Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Working hours: 07:00 - 20:00
Hotline:1900 63 6688
© 2023 Nhất Tín Logistics

I always comply and apply procedures properly
I am the root cause of the matter

According to Vietnamese dictionary, “Accountability” means “a task or duty which connects tightly with one’s words and behaviors, and it must be done in a proper way, otherwise one has to deal with the consequences.” At Nhat Tin, accountability starts with the adherence to required standard procedures. Accountability means the completion of one’s tasks. When a department’s duties are poorly executed, operations of many other functions will be negatively impacted; and as a result, the company is unable to achieve expected level of performance. Then, how can one know that “tasks are well executed”? Let’s start with a simple step of completing tasks by following the exact required procedures and processes.
By complying with procedures properly, we are on the right pathway to produce expected results and gain trust from our customers. From that, Nhat Tin will become a leading logistics company and we all can share great outcomes together. If I comply with required procedures, and you as well, then we are an organization of integrity. Nhat Tin means putting “Trust” as the top priority. If only a few team members fail to follow the procedures or do it inconsistently, the entire company suffers as customers may get bad impression on the overall service quality. Customers may decide to discontinue working with us; the company is not growing; consequently, we, individually and collectively, are losing. Admittedly, we never know the exact impact of violating the standard procedures, but we surely know that once it happens, many different functions have to take a series of remedial actions to clean up the negative consequences. It happens just because a few individuals are negligent in doing their jobs.
Complying with the procedures at all the time means being accountable. It is accurate? The answer is “Not yet.” In many circumstances, specific procedures and guidelines are not in existence yet, or persons in charge are unclear. In reality, there would be no procedures which are able to cover all detailed tasks; and it is not necessary that only one person is responsible for a certain task. Having said so, being the law of performance: “I am the root cause of the matter.” When unclear what to do or how to do it right, just do whatever that make the most benefits for the company.
“I am the root cause of the matter”. What does it mean? Instead of waiting, hoping, or blaming, we should ask: What actions should I take to resolve the issue? Being human, we all make mistakes, but the more important one is the lessons learned and not repeating the same mistakes. Nhat Tin embraces this kind of culture. At Nhat Tin, we do not attack others due to their mistakes; however, we cannot allow poor understanding and/or negligence to be the excuse. At Nhat Tin, we are so proud that when a breakdown happens, we ask ourselves what we can do differently to transform a breakdown into a breakthrough rather than wasting time in pointing fingers to others.
Our company’s vision is generated based on the core values: being compliant and being the root cause of the matter. We act with commitment; we hold ourselves accountable as if Nhat Tin is our family, and that we are all owners of the company.
By complying with procedures properly, we are on the right pathway to produce expected results and gain trust from our customers. From that, Nhat Tin will become a leading logistics company and we all can share great outcomes together. If I comply with required procedures, and you as well, then we are an organization of integrity. Nhat Tin means putting “Trust” as the top priority. If only a few team members fail to follow the procedures or do it inconsistently, the entire company suffers as customers may get bad impression on the overall service quality. Customers may decide to discontinue working with us; the company is not growing; consequently, we, individually and collectively, are losing. Admittedly, we never know the exact impact of violating the standard procedures, but we surely know that once it happens, many different functions have to take a series of remedial actions to clean up the negative consequences. It happens just because a few individuals are negligent in doing their jobs.
Complying with the procedures at all the time means being accountable. It is accurate? The answer is “Not yet.” In many circumstances, specific procedures and guidelines are not in existence yet, or persons in charge are unclear. In reality, there would be no procedures which are able to cover all detailed tasks; and it is not necessary that only one person is responsible for a certain task. Having said so, being the law of performance: “I am the root cause of the matter.” When unclear what to do or how to do it right, just do whatever that make the most benefits for the company.
“I am the root cause of the matter”. What does it mean? Instead of waiting, hoping, or blaming, we should ask: What actions should I take to resolve the issue? Being human, we all make mistakes, but the more important one is the lessons learned and not repeating the same mistakes. Nhat Tin embraces this kind of culture. At Nhat Tin, we do not attack others due to their mistakes; however, we cannot allow poor understanding and/or negligence to be the excuse. At Nhat Tin, we are so proud that when a breakdown happens, we ask ourselves what we can do differently to transform a breakdown into a breakthrough rather than wasting time in pointing fingers to others.
Our company’s vision is generated based on the core values: being compliant and being the root cause of the matter. We act with commitment; we hold ourselves accountable as if Nhat Tin is our family, and that we are all owners of the company.
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